Professional Photographer Digital Photo Frame Why Won't My Photographer Give Me All My Photos In Digital Format?

Why won't my photographer give me all my photos in digital format? - professional photographer digital photo frame

I recently took photos of the wedding and not knowing how other professional photographers who work here, so is my situation.

I choose multiple photos in different sizes of paper, and when I see on my TV, I have a DVD slideshow, but I really want a digital version, because in those days as comfortable and fun to put on your desktop PC, digital picture frames, telephones, etc.
We give 600 million in the photographs on paper, because we have received some impressions of two large 20x30 .. But we also want our family members who could not attend, the photos you want, but not because the photographer makes available on its website available online vote for the whole family to see. And they could, but she had put a watermark, it does not bother me, but the lady said, her pix in the SIS can not 81 do. We pay to do so!

So did my question to you, the professional photos, you know, if the photoGraph output digital versions of photographs or if they refuse, because it as your property and therefore protected by copyright?


lensmen2 said...

I recently took photos of the wedding, and .....

Now that really took wedding photos ..? You or the pro you - .. Care?

If you paid a "pro" to keep their wedding photos (they are your breath here) ...!!!

You have rights over them. Period.

Thu sux ..? Perhaps, however, unless you discuss the ownership of the photos before the wedding is a little late - after ..!

The law is on their side. He owns the copyright of the graphics, they are even Tho.

It is their property and not free to buy any pictures to anyone other than the deductions that you take.

Unfortunately, this is how it usually works.

Bob - Tucson

Bubbles said...

If you do not pay for the CD with all images in it, do not give not the photographer. Some wedding photographers work in a digital copy price. No matter how you say that you are sincere, there is always the possibility that the customer have the image and print the photos themselves, and now the photographer is all that was effective.

Bubbles said...

If you do not pay for the CD with all images in it, do not give not the photographer. Some wedding photographers work in a digital copy price. No matter how you say that you are sincere, there is always the possibility that the customer have the image and print the photos themselves, and now the photographer is all that was effective.

Perki88 said...

It's like the sale of the negative and not sell the majority of professionals.

cubfan74... said...

There are photographers who sell a CD image, similar to selling images. You can not, or can high-resolution (that is, they can possibly make 4x6 prints, but not 8x10).

Recognizing that much of the money they earn to photograph a wedding is for the sale of images. They could make more from the front and photograph are cheaper, but the answer is all the photographers have a certain return on investment, make no different than any other profession.

You can sell your photographer, the CD for you, but realize they need to do the same amount of money for marriage, whether printed or photos on a CD.

D L said...

This sad story is to do just one of 10,000 reasons why we do not shoot weddings.

Do you have a contract with the photographer? Most weddings Pro photog asked to sign a contract before his wedding. It should clearly define what is and is not intended, the money that they accept to pay. If you added "extras" not in the contract that cost extra.

Some photog offer digital images, sometimes not. If you have, what was included in his contract after the photographer a solid base that want more more money for products has.

btw ... If you have a DVD with a slide that is already digital images. Just get on the DVD.

TJ said...

You can use the photo to purchase the rights to images for personal use to reproduce.

I am a photographer, that's what I do. And hold the copyright.

Personally, I hate how some photographers can be proud of. Not so much, and be realistic, if have a litle of the photographs of celebrities (not) the resale value. And if you have a lot of impressions that I do not see why you can not get digitally purchased.

Legally, however, the photographer has the right to do what he / she wants.

muxis said...

Just one example ... but when I showed my family my vacation photos, which are bored and slept some 1:8. So have been published, and became equivalent to one months of pictures (several thousand rounds) to go.

Editing is a craft in itself, and even if I do not consider myself an authority on, no one in my RAW images and replaced my posts. Buy On the other hand, people with extended deleted scenes or director's cut DVD. And if people want to "Extra," which will be used. But for most of the "story" remains intact, and when the RAW will be given, should be during the contract time has been considered.

Until now, this online gallery, photographer costs money to transfer files to the server. Some of the costs for bandwidth, server, another for storage and most of them (you buy a limited amount per month and are deducted) of each month. If you want all the raws retouched take even longer. In a similar manner and the prices were discussed during theContract stage.

Traditionally, photographers do not give or post the raws, you should ask yourself. I mean, is retouched on the search for unpublished records of the United Nations and the first cameraman? Just because it "no" means that no time, effort and money.

Just A Girl said...

Because they lose profit pressure ... Remember this way would you think of the negatives Milton Greene Marilyn Monroe?

Just A Girl said...

Because they lose profit pressure ... Remember this way would you think of the negatives Milton Greene Marilyn Monroe?

Brian K said...

I personally with a copy of the photograph of the couple, is the correct one, because some people want to have fun with them in Photoshop and what not. A photographer is "owned" pictures and can free them if they so wish. It is a cruel thing to do for them, but many photographers want to make money from the desired copies. You see, if they base images - those that do not offer retouched. If so, unfortunately, you have the photos you have and hope to scan for the best. I hope this helped

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