Can Bone Pain Mean Cancer Does Bone Pain In A Lymphoma Mean The Cancer Spread To The Bone Marrow?

Does bone pain in a Lymphoma mean the cancer spread to the bone marrow? - can bone pain mean cancer

Do you have pain in the bones indicating lymphoma that cancer spreads in the bone marrow? Furthermore, no pain in the liver and the proliferation of Middle-earth spleen, liver and disseminated? If the pain behind the eyes means that the spread to the brain?

I introduced this, but it seems that my question was understood. Sorry.

Why, if you have, if you have things like bone pain, not already spread to the bone marrow?

Thank you, and I appreciate it.

I would also say if the person was in the chemotherapy / chemotherapy is not the cause of bone pain, if the rule of chemotherapy.


BSherman said...

The only way to determine whether the cancer spread to bones or anywhere else has, through medical imaging and appropriate tests. Ask your oncologist to visit to learn more.

Non-specific pain in the chest or members may be produced from a variety of causes. Therefore, physicians should be consulted to arrive at an accurate diagnosis.

Carol said...

Hello \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt 3:

Hello again: Please submit your question.
OK chemotherapy discarded.

There are 3 main things that can lead to bone pain
other than chemotherapy.

I leave you to govern, if necessary.

Ok development of cancer pain in the bones, if you go
Bone. That's where I am today. Mine was when I
previously injured bone cancer attacks are their weaknesses.
I'm level 4 and metastases, and it went down to the bone.
So, if there is a possibility.

2 If you Osteoporosis weakens the bones inside.
and painful.

3 rec-past or several other drugs that cause bone pain.
Rec-last for osteoporosis, but can cause pain in the bones, are not
many other drugs that do this also. Ask your pharmacist
to ensure that the RDP, some of the drugs when can cause this problem /

4 is a broken bone. some information of certain bones of humans are
Breaks to small, even decreased. Normally, the spine is
The NUMber of an area that has been broken with a fracture normal.

5, in particular rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis causes bone pain.

Ok, I can think of five different bone pain. Legal
the top of my head. Some of them know that if a retiree
Nurses and other first-hand.

Unfortunately I can not DX on your computer, but they are only a few
Reasons for bone pain.

Even if you are still growing, he does not know her age. Growth
too quickly can also lead to bone pain.

But I recommend you go to your doctor for the test
Good to know, is the cause. Guess work is only a
guess. Good luck.

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